Develop a Streamlit web app in Python that predicts a team’s specific 4th down play selection in a pre-play NFL game moment using Gradient Boosting classification....
Schedule specified shell commands to periodically run files, collect live data, and update data visualizations and dashboards...
A deep dive into my Spotify music preferences and how to build Spotify playlists corresponding to different moods...
Interactive visualizations of state-specific coronavirus case, death, and testing data in the United States...
Deep learning models are responsible for much of the state-of-the-art technology in the world. From cancer screenings, to self-driving cars…
This post isn't exactly "Data Science". However, it does deal with math and probability, and is an ideal example of statistics and…
Create an animated bar plot using Pandas and Matplotlib to visualize how data changes over a specified time period...
Through the beginning of August, there have been more than 4.5 million cases and 150 thousand deaths recorded in the United States of…
I have been learning a lot recently about different machine learning classification algorithims. Classification is an extremely useful…